Results for 'Mevludin HasanoviĆ Izet PajeviĆ'

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  1.  14
    Psychiatry in a battle zone.Mevludin HasanoviĆ Izet PajeviĆ - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):304-307.
    ABSTRACTThe authors describe the arrival and treatment of 164 severe chronic psychiatric patients who were displaced from the Serbian army‐controlled Jakes psychiatric hospital and off‐loaded on the afternoon of 28th of May, 1992 at the gates of the Psychiatry Clinic in Tuzla.Through analysis of their incomplete medical records, which arrived with the patients in Tuzla, and analysis of their activities during and after the war, they found that 83 of the patients were males and 147 were admitted to the Psychiatry (...)
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    Psychiatry in a battle zone.Izet Pajević, Mevludin Hasanović & Alina Koprić - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):304-307.
    The authors describe the arrival and treatment of 164 severe chronic psychiatric patients who were displaced from the Serbian army-controlled Jakes psychiatric hospital and off-loaded on the afternoon of 28th of May, 1992 at the gates of the Psychiatry Clinic in Tuzla. Through analysis of their incomplete medical records, which arrived with the patients in Tuzla, and analysis of their activities during and after the war, they found that 83 of the patients (50%) were males and 147 (89.6%) were admitted (...)
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    Milli Bilincin İdame Ettiricisi Olarak Din: Sovyet Azerbaycan'ında İslam.Behram Hasanov - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1563-1578.
    XIX. Yüzyılın sonları ve XX. yüzyılın başlarında Azerbaycan'da entelijansiya arasında milli bilinç ortaya çıkmış olsa da Sovyet dönemiyle birlikte bu süreç kesintiye uğramış ve toplumsal tabana yayılamamıştır. Sonuç olarak, var olan “Müslüman Kimliği”, Azeri toplumu için temel bir kimlik bağı olarak varlığını sürdürmeye devam etmiştir. Entelijansiyanın tasfiyesi ile birlikte, kullandıkları sloganlar ve milliyetçi semboller de ortadan kalkmış, Türk milliyetçiliği Azerbaycan'da bir ideoloji olarak varlığını koruyamamıştır. Sonuç itibariyle, politik-ideolojik milliyetçilik ve onun sloganları, milli bilinci canlı tutma imkanından yoksun bırakılmıştır. Bu makalede, (...)
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    Poetisches Denken und die Frage nach dem Menschen: Grundzüge einer poetologischen Anthropologie.Marko Pajević - 2012 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Poetic thinking--now.Marko Pajević - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book presents my concept of poetic thinking in the context of debates around the anthropological question, that is 'what is being human?', building on 'thinking language' and dialogical thinking, developing a poetological anthropology. It evokes political and social issues to demonstrate why poetics is of general relevance for our times. The essay relates these questions to insights of quantum physics and neurosciences and discusses aspects of contemporary technology, media and medicine, employing notions from contemporary thinkers, such as atmospheres, immanent (...)
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  6.  8
    Institutes and Entrepreneurship.Rafael Hasanov - 2019 - Metafizika 2 (4):7-26.
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  7.  20
    The social movement for truth and justice - pragmatic alliance-building with political parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.Valida Repovac-Niksic, Jasmin Hasanovic, Emina Adilovic & Damir Kapidzic - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (1):143-161.
    Protests among citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina are becoming more frequent. Most often, their aim is to decry the dysfunctionality and opacity of the government, which are the result of the ethno-political structure created by the Dayton Agreement, but also a trend towards democratic regression and autocracy. A number of authors have tackled the?JMBG? protests of 2013 and the Plenums that emerged from the February 2014 protests, from their particular disciplines. The focus of this paper is the social movement?Justice for (...)
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